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If you're facing problems with dry spots on your lawn, it is likely due to your sprinklers not getting proper coverage. Spray and rotor heads often break from mowing, and from time. If you're experiencing dry spots, give us a call and we'll come visit you anywhere in Utah County to take care of your sprinkler needs. 



An adjustment service is a comprehensive system walkthrough. Our technicians will meticulously inspect each sprinkler head and nozzle, fixing broken sprinklers and adjusting the coverage as needed. This service will ensure that your property gets the right amount of water and saves you the time of having to go into your yard to fix broken or clogged sprinkler heads yourself. We also reprogram your timer to make sure each zone is getting the time it needs.



Worried about your drip irrigation? Don't worry - our system adjustment covers that as well. We will replace emitters and bubblers, repair leaks and kinks in your drip line, and do whatever we need to in order to guarantee your plants get the water they need. 



In this service, we will also inspect your valves to help you to know the overall health of your sprinkler system. Valves are a key part of any system, and one of the things that goes bad most often. We'll let you know about how your valves look, which will help you as a property owner to plan for the future. Sprinkler valves generally last 10-15 years. If it's time to have them replaced or repaired, contact us about a sprinkler valve repair.




Pricing for most sprinkler maintenance, including our adjustment service, varies depending on the size of your property. We advise that you get a sprinkler adjustment  twice a year to prevent brown spots from broken heads or improper watering schedules. If you are interested, we have a very inexpensive option for you - our annual plan, which includes two adjustments and a system winterization. However, if you'd just like to get a quote on having a sprinkler system adjustment performed on your property, give us a call at 801-709-0681 or fill out the form below!

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you with a free quote within minutes.

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